I've been having alot of vivid dreams lately. They're so vivid that I wake up with messages in my head that stay for days.
One night, I gave birth to a baby girl but didn't want it, because my friends kept inviting me out to smoke a joint or drink a beer and I couldn't. I woke up with intense relief when I realized it wasn't reality.
Her name was Eve. That name has never even entered my mind before, but I kept thinking, what a nice name. Where did that come from?
Last night I dreamed I composed a poem than began with:
Moving east
Is like teaching a crippled old man
to be sane again
The brain's such a weird thing.
I love messages that stay in the head for days.
Ah yes, the baby dreams! Strangely enough, I've been having my share of those as well.
I had one dream where I had a baby boy who loved being in the water and I was going from public pools to fooftop pools...Strange things dreams...
And Carlos, what's this you're saying about love messages?
Dreams are the best thing going if you ask me.
That poem is a haiku, if you didn't notice. A pretty good one too.
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