Sunday, May 25, 2008

dishes and answering machines

socks and towels
lost in the distracted void of laundry
dishes and answering machines
innocently stand by

I'm waiting
to squeeze some kind of meaning
from all these social gatherings

They wait over the surface of
what I really need

Cotton panties and t-shirts
lost in the mundane tasks of reality
lost in the fantastical force of books and dictionaries

Therein lies the calm of words

You use words, only words
you just use them
because you DONT KNOW
the fundamental nature
of letters
and numbers

It's not your fault

You don't see that
2 + 2 = 4
that something is not nothing
that black is not white
that clean is not so dirty

That meaning is more than words

You don't see my conflict here
How lucky for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really, really, really have too much time on my hands, but i find myself looking back for your response, and it's there, along with these writings of yours. do you think anyone can actually find what they're looking for (is it hope?) or does it always seem like more self-creation? you're quite philosophical, miss...

2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'm the best person to answer those questions given the fact that I keep asking them all the time in those writings of mine. I don't really know, but I think we're all looking for some kind of purity. Not any kind of cloistering stringent
naive purity, but pure beauty, pure bliss.
No strings attached, no lies, no complications, no maybes. Just simple purity.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, that certainly explains the popularity of puppies...

it seems to me, reading your last entry (superb imagery, by the way), that there's something equally rewarding in a wry acceptance of just what is. maybe it's that kind of acceptance that gives purity a chance.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Anita said...

Yeah, you're right. Puppies are so damn cute.

I like it when people have fun at the expense of darkness, I find jokes about gross things extremely funny. I like to find meaning in the mundane events of everyday life. I find that to be very therapeutic. Especially when I can throw it into the no man's land that is my blog.

Will you be at ff? I will be.

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a total carmen miranda: vivacious, exotic, trying to dance your way beyond the surface of things and get out from underneath this crazy fruit hat we call normal society. my favorite carmen miranda description is "She was in some ways a creature from outer space." consider it a huge compliment.

you know what's gross and funny and dark and mundane and strangely therapeutic? i've mopped the piss and puke of a thousand men, and i'll damn well do it today again (put that to whatever melody you like).

ahh, but i will be taking a little time off from my janitorial duties to attend the folk fest, as always. this year i am in charge of a campground site-animation project called "the fireside lounge and housecoat depository." it will be a more strummin', less drummin' zone, no doubt....

11:59 AM  

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