Friday, July 10, 2009


What exactly have I gotten myself into here? Working in the depths of despair where the sickest children of Montreal come to be under my care. Is it really a blessing to love children in this profession when doing painful and uncomfortable procedures on their body is a daily activity? Those very activities that precipitate screaming and protesting in children as if they were in a torture chamber. Of course now, just one week before beginning my work, I start to wonder if in fact I have chosen the right profession.

Although I consider my memory to be weak at times, and because I have cared for many "sick" people throughout my nursing education, I remember very clearly certain patients I have had in the past and wonder about them on a regular basis. There is something unique about being a nurse in that you are constantly at your patients bedside in a 12 hour shift. You may not even spend 12 hours with your best friend in one day, three times a week. But this becomes our relationship with the sick and their family. 12 hours a day. Three days a week. With a stranger. Whose baby is sick, and whose health is dependent on the quality of your care. Big responsibilities.


Anonymous john said...

i'd say what you've gotten yourself into is the best thing people can do with their lives: making life better for others.

and i'm glad to see you're still writing.

it was fun hanging out at the bedroom party with you, and i'm glad you found your shoes. life can be very awkward without proper footwear...


3:54 PM  

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