Monday, February 26, 2007
I've been having alot of vivid dreams lately. They're so vivid that I wake up with messages in my head that stay for days.
One night, I gave birth to a baby girl but didn't want it, because my friends kept inviting me out to smoke a joint or drink a beer and I couldn't. I woke up with intense relief when I realized it wasn't reality.
Her name was Eve. That name has never even entered my mind before, but I kept thinking, what a nice name. Where did that come from?
Last night I dreamed I composed a poem than began with:
Moving east
Is like teaching a crippled old man
to be sane again
The brain's such a weird thing.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Submissive people go into nursing. I wish they would say ignorant things, because at least then I'd have someone to argue with. Instead, when asked a simple question like "have you learned this before" and we obviously have, an eerie silence fills the room, so silent that you can hear the cold wind blowing on the top of the lecture hall, three stories above. So then I become the annoying girl who's always talking in class. What gives?